STIL is an assistance cooperative and non-profit association of persons with norm-breaking functionality.


Functionality and feeling

Great emphasis was placed on a simple user interface that creates a balance between information to members and employees.

A clear structure allows the groups to easily find the information they are looking for while highlighting STIL’s communication and business requirements. During the course of the project, the graphic profile has been updated to be more modern while maintaining important graphic elements. Message and emotion have been woven into the design and concept work with the goal of communicating the value words relationship and security.

When accessability is a requirement

STIL’s website is for its members, which primarily consist of people with disabilities. For that reason, extensive accessibility was a given choice.

The site is not only designed to have high readability and sharp contrasts but has also been adapted to WCAG standards. In simple terms it can be described as making the content accessible to individuals with visual impairment or cognitive difficulties. To make it easier to interact with the content on the website, we have implemented functionality such as word explanations, screen reader, possibility to increase the text size and easy-to-read page versions with easier language. The structure of the code is also adapted to allow people with limited mobility to navigate between links through the tab key.

We are your full-service web agency in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Riga

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